Hud Cvars

Hud Updates

  • cg_hudFiles 4 new Quake Champions style hud
  • cg_drawTimer 7 new csgo style match timer
  • cg_drawTimerCountdown makes the timer count down instead if the server has a timelimit set
  • cg_drawTeamOverlay 3 new style team overlay, set to 4 to ignore local client
  • cg_scoreboardTime 1 Display the local time on the scoreboard
  • cg_weaponCycleAmmo Show ammo for weapons on the selection cycle
  • cg_drawScores 3 new way to display team scores for tffa scores and duel scores for duel gametype

Movement Keys

  • cg_movemenyKeys 2 Added second movement keys style that sits over the crosshair, can be scaled with cg_movementKeysSize
  • cg_movementKeys 3 is the same, but can be moved with cg_movementKeysX and cg_movementKeysY:
  • Movement key overlay now includes attack/altattack inputs

Pitch Helper

  • Pitch helper is a new tool to help you maintain your pitch aim at a desired level based on colored text as a visual queue
  • cg_pitchHelper 1 Pitch angle can now be drawn independently from cg_showpos
  • Center point has green text and goes as a gradient to orange until it leaves cg_pitchHelperRange where the orange becomes red.
  • The whole range can be offset up or down with cg_pitchHelperOffset
  • The drawn number can be moved with cg_pitchHelperX and cg_pitchHelperX

Table of contents