Miscellaneous Commands

String Substitution


Executes a command, substituting in the contents of cvar(s). Surround cvar names with $ dollar signs.

Example: strsub say "Hello, I am $name$"

If Cvar


Executes a certain command based on the current setting of a cvar.

Usage: ifCvar [cvar name] <setting> <number of arguments to execute> <arguments to execute> <some other setting> <some other number of arguments> <some other arguments> ...

Settings can optionally begin with special modifiers prepended with $ dollar sign:

$=Convert the setting to a number and compare whether it is equal to another number.
$!=Convert the setting to a number and compare whether it is unequal to another number.
$>Convert the setting to a number and compare whether it is greater than another number.
$<Convert the setting to a number and compare whether it is less than another number.
$>=Convert the setting to a number and compare whether it is greater than or equal to another number.
$<=Convert the setting to a number and compare whether it is less than or equal to another number.
$containsCompare whether the setting contains some text anywhere in it.
$beginswithCompare whether the setting begins with some text.
$endswithCompare whether the setting ends with some text.
elseThis keyword will cause the comparison to always be true.
(No modifier used)Compare whether the setting matches some text.

Settings can also reference the value of another cvar by prepending that cvar’s name with $.

Simple example: ifCvar cg_myCvar 0 2 say_team hi 1 2 say_team bye → if cg_myCvar is 0, then say_team hi is executed. If it’s 1, then say_team bye is executed.

Complex example: ifCvar cg_mycvar $>=$cg_someOtherCvar 1 quit $containsbeer 3 set model desann $else 4 bind x say_team "hello there" → if cg_myCvar is greater than or equal to the value of cg_someOtherCvar, then quit is executed. If it contains the word beer anywhere, then set model desann is executed. For anything else, bind x say_team "hello there" is executed.



Waits a specified time (in milliseconds) before executing whatever follows. Unlike the base JKA wait command, other commands may freely execute in the meantime.
Example: say darth;​delay 1000;​say vader

Delay Cancel


Cancels any pending delay(s) that contain the argument. Use "" to match anything.
Example: delaycancel vader

Wait Freely


Waits a specified time (in number of frames) before executing whatever follows. Unlike the base JKA wait command, other commands may freely execute in the meantime.
Example: say darth;​waitf 333;​say vader

Wait Freely Cancel


Cancels any pending waitf(s) that contain the argument. Use "" to match anything.
Example: waitfcancel vader

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