New in this fork:

Vulkan Renderer

  • Enable with cl_renderer rd-vulkan; vid_restart
  • r_fbo 1; r_bloom 1 to enable bloom, adjust with r_bloom_intensity and r_bloom_threshold
  • See more info here
  • From JKSunny

Miscellaneous Updates

  • cg_scoreboardTime 1 Display the local time on the scoreboard
  • cg_ambientSounds 0 Enable/disable ambient map sounds
  • cg_weaponCycleAmmo Show ammo for weapons on the selection cycle
  • styleplayer 16 New FFA invulnerability shell
  • cosmetics 8 Added covid mask cosmetic & updated pumpkin mask cosmetic (from MB2)
  • cg_forceCosmetics cosmetics can now be forced onto all player models on non-japro servers
  • cg_hudFiles 4 new Quake Champions style hud
  • cg_drawTimer 7 new csgo style match timer
  • cg_drawScores 3 new way to display team scores for tffa scores and duel scores for duel gametype
  • cg_drawTimerCountdown makes the timer count down instead if the server has a timelimit set
  • cg_drawTimerCountdown 1 new csgo style match timer
  • cg_drawTeamOverlay 3 new style team overlay, set to 4 to ignore local client
  • Fixed various Linux compiling problems and related crashes
  • Fixed null skin name crash
  • Water wake shader fix from Circa
  • Textureless MP Swoop fix from MagSul
  • Jawa sound fixes from eezstreet
  • Broken effects fixes
  • Weapon charge sounds now accurately reflect their charge times
  • Reduced NPCs choppy/laggy movement
  • Chat/console now support [shift+]ctrl+backspace/del/left/right shortcuts

Movement Keys Updates

  • cg_movementKeys 2 Added second movement keys style that sits over the crosshair, can be scaled with cg_movementKeysSize
  • cg_movementKeys 3 is the same, but can be moved with cg_movementKeysX and cg_movementKeysY:
  • Movement key overlay now includes attack/altattack inputs

Keybind & Command Updates

  • You can now bind key combinations using an Alt / Ctrl / Shift modifier key. For example, bind ctrl+x kill will make Ctrl + X perform kill.

  • You can now bind the right-side Alt / Ctrl / Shift keys separately from the left-side keys. For example, bind rctrl kill will make the right-side Ctrl key perform kill. Don’t worry, your existing configuration is still 100% compatible — if no binding is specifically set for the right-side key, then the generic binding is used. The left-side key always uses the generic binding.

  • Nested quotation marks are now supported in commands and binds, allowing for easier and more robust configuration. This allows entering commands like bind a “bind b “set c “d ; e” ; say “hello there”””

String Substitution (strSub)

  • Executes a command, substituting in the contents of cvar(s). Surround cvar names with $ dollar signs.

  • Example: strsub say "Hello, I am $name$"

If Cvar (ifCvar)

  • Executes a certain command based on the current setting of a cvar.

  • Usage: ifCvar [cvar name] <setting> <number of arguments to execute> <arguments to execute> <some other setting> <some other number of arguments> <some other arguments> ...

  • Settings can optionally begin with special modifiers prepended with $ dollar sign:

$=Convert the setting to a number and compare whether it is equal to another number.
$!=Convert the setting to a number and compare whether it is unequal to another number.
$>Convert the setting to a number and compare whether it is greater than another number.
$<Convert the setting to a number and compare whether it is less than another number.
$>=Convert the setting to a number and compare whether it is greater than or equal to another number.
$<=Convert the setting to a number and compare whether it is less than or equal to another number.
$containsCompare whether the setting contains some text anywhere in it.
$beginswithCompare whether the setting begins with some text.
$endswithCompare whether the setting ends with some text.
elseThis keyword will cause the comparison to always be true.
(No modifier used)Compare whether the setting matches some text.
  • Settings can also reference the value of another cvar by prepending that cvar’s name with $.

  • Simple example: ifCvar cg_myCvar 0 2 say_team hi 1 2 say_team bye → if cg_myCvar is 0, then say_team hi is executed. If it’s 1, then say_team bye is executed.

  • Complex example: ifCvar cg_mycvar $>=$cg_someOtherCvar 1 quit $containsbeer 3 set model desann $else 4 bind x say_team "hello there" → if cg_myCvar is greater than or equal to the value of cg_someOtherCvar, then quit is executed. If it contains the word beer anywhere, then set model desann is executed. For anything else, bind x say_team "hello there" is executed.

Delay (delay)

Waits a specified time (in milliseconds) before executing whatever follows. Unlike the base JKA wait command, other commands may freely execute in the meantime.
Example:say darth;​delay 1000;​say vader

Delay Cancel (delaycancel)

Cancels any pending delay(s) that contain the argument. Use "" to match anything.
Example: delaycancel vader

Wait Freely (waitf)

Waits a specified time (in number of frames) before executing whatever follows. Unlike the base JKA wait command, other commands may freely execute in the meantime.
Example:say darth;​waitf 333;​say vader

Wait Freely Cancel (waitfcancel)

Cancels any pending waitf(s) that contain the argument. Use "" to match anything.
Example: waitfcancel vader

Music Controls:

Next Track (mnext)

Previous Track (mprev)

Pause/Play Music (mpause)

Stop Music (mstop)

These commands simulate hardware media buttons. Useful for controlling your music while in-game.

Note that some music players do not support media buttons by default; for example, VLC Media Player requires media button support to be manually enabled in settings. These currently only work on the Win32 build.

Shader Overrides

  • If there are two shaders sharing the same name, the one that was found in a file later on JKA file list (phone book order) takes precedence. For example if there is a shader called gfx/2d/charsgrid_med in both shaders/original.shader and shaders/fonts.shader only the shader found in shaders/original.shader will be used then.
  • Before this change, combining multiple mods that target shaders from the same .shader file was impossible without merging the shaders of all the mods into one shader that is a complete copy of the base shader it originally existed in. This made it a hassle to use multiple mods that were designed to apply new shaders to base assets.

Pitch Helper

  • Pitch helper is a new tool to help you maintain your pitch aim at a desired level based on colored text as a visual queue
  • cg_pitchHelper 1 Pitch angle can now be drawn independently from cg_showpos
  • Center point has green text and goes as a gradient to orange until it leaves cg_pitchHelperRange where the orange becomes red.
  • The whole range can be offset up or down with cg_pitchHelperOffset
  • The drawn number can be moved with cg_pitchHelperX and cg_pitchHelperX

Strafe Helper Updates

  • More strafe bars, draws 2 lines for all keys A, WA, W, WD, D, SD, S, SA, enable with new strafehelper options
  • Updated Style (strafehelper 1) can be made smaller with new option strafehelper 18
  • CGAZ Style (strafehelper 2) is now affected by cg_strafeHelperCutoff

Speedometer Updates

  • Running count of previous groundspeeds with speedometer 10 and cvar cg_speedometerJumps N where N is the number of jumps
  • Speedometer jumps configuration cvars cg_speedometerJumpsX, cg_speedometerJumpsY
  • Use %J% in a chat bind to say your last N jumps eg. bind 6 "say Jumps: %J%"
  • Speedometer colors can now be disabled with speedometer 11
  • speedometer 13 displays speeds as red/green based on difference from previous jump
  • cg_jumpGoal You can now set a first jump speed goal speed, if first jump speed is above your goal speed, the groundspeed text will be green. Requires speedometer 1 enabled
  • Updated speed graph, revert to old style with speedometer 14

Trigger/Clip/Slick Rendering

  • r_renderClipBrushes 1 enable rendering of clip brushes
  • r_renderClipBrushesShader shader to render over clip brushes
  • r_renderTriggerBrushes 1 enable rendering of trigger brushes
  • r_renderTriggerBrushesShader shader to render over trigger brushes
  • r_renderSlickSurfaces 1 enable rendering of slick surfaces
  • r_renderSlickSurfacesShader shader to render over slick surfaces

Race Timer Updates

  • Race timer start speed can now be moved seperate from the rest of the race timer with cvars cg_raceStart 1, cg_raceStartX and cg_raceStartY
  • You can now set a start speed goal, if your start speed is above your goal speed, the text will be green cg_startGoal

Disruptor Updates

  • New trail effects enabled with cg_disruptorNew 1
    • cg_disruptorTeamColour 1 Changes disruptor effects colors according to team
    • cg_disruptorCoreColor Changes disruptor line color (accepts hexcode eg. xffffff)
    • cg_disruptorSpiral 1 Enable Quake disruptor spiral effect
    • cg_disruptorSpiralColor Changes disruptor spiral color (accepts hexcode eg. xffffff)
    • cg_disruptorMainTime Amount of time to display disruptor primary fire
    • cg_disruptorAltTime Amount of time to display disruptor alt fire
  • cg_crosshairScope 1 enables minimalist scope: crosshair, charge and ammo